May 14, 2018 GoodEarth Good Earth Team Member & Staff Application Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *EmailWhat is the name you use in Farming Simulator? *How long have you been playing Farming Simulator? *What is your Full Discord Name? *Age rangeBelow 13 years old13 to 19 years old20 to 30 years old31 to 40 years old41 years old and aboveHow often will you be able to join our server? *Once a week2 to 5 times per weekMore than 5 times per weekAlmost every dayWe strongly recommend that our admins join the server at least 2 times a week.What position are you applying for? *AdminFarm-ManagerChoose what position you are applying for above.What would you do if a player started dumping silage or ramming players on the server? *Please describe how you would handle a situation like this.Why would you like to become a Good Earth Team Member and potentially an Administrator? *Share a bit about why you like Good Earth Servers, and what makes you want to be part of our Staff Team.Please give the name of one or more Farming Simulator Admins as a reference?Reference someone who you know and would support you in becoming a Team Member.Would you consider donating a dollar or more to help fund our Good Earth Community? (This has no bearing on your acceptance)Let us know if you would like to help support Good Earth and contribute to what we offer.Will you support the Good Earth Community and Advertise Good Earth? *Describe how you will support Good Earth and Advertise our Discord/Website/Servers.Have you read the Good Earth FS Server Rules & Discord Rules and agree to follow them?How do you rate yourself? (Please check one or more boxes)Just starting up... scratching the dirt & excited to learn moreConfident... with Silage, logging & arable farming for a whileExperienced... and see the multi-player as a growing and enjoyable platformVery experienced and wanting to humbly share and kindly supportMain Farming Interests (Check your favorites)Arable FarmingSilagingForestryAnimalsConfirmation *I agreeYou agree to the Good Earth Rules and hereby certify that the information you entered above is accurate and that you have been playing on Good Earth for at least two weeks.CommentSubmit