Welcome to Good Earth! A Virtual Reality of Fun, Come Work, Learn & Play together!
Our goal is to create an environment for all players to come and have fun in and experience the joy of Virtual Reality Of Farming, Hardy worker
So come and experience it and join in the fun and games!
I promise you will not be disappointed.
We have a diverse amount of things for you to do on our game here are just some them:
Harvesting of all types of crops Wheat, Barley, Canola, Soy Beans, Corn, Sunflowers, Potato, Sugar Beet and Grass.
Silaging, the process of making silage, includes Forage Harvesting of Corn (mainly). (Whole Crop) Wheat, Barley, Canola, Soy Beans and Grass.
Logging, the process of de-foresting, is cutting trees down, de-branching loading the logs into a trailer or chipping them them into a trailer and then selling.
Farming, includes all sorts of things like, Plowing, Cultivating, Fertilizing, Seeding, Fertilizing and Harvesting. Includes lots more!
Animals, are fun to take care of its like having a virtual pet or pet (s)! You have to feed them and take care of them and enjoy the rest!
Peace, Cargran