Harnessing The Power of The Soil


This man was just trying to find a way to get rid of weeds on his ranch when he stumbled upon a powerful climate change solution. #YEARSproject


John Wick, co-founder of the Marin Carbon Project, was just trying to find a way to get rid of weeds on his ranch when he stumbled upon a powerful climate change solution. He learned about an approach to farming helps sequester carbon in the soil.




Credits: EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: JOEL BACH, DAVID GELBER and DREW MAGRATTEN WRITER: JOEL BACH SCRIPT EDITORS: JOEL BACH, JOSH FUTTERSAK, DAVID GELBER, MAYA LILLY, DREW MAGRATTEN and MATT ROSENBAUM VIDEO EDITOR: ETHAN DAVID Sources: [i] Drovers.com. How rotational grazing improves pasture health. April 19 2016. https://www.drovers.com/article/how-r… [ia] MALT.org. Carbon Farming. Accessed: Mar 29 2019. https://www.malt.org/protected-lands/… [ii] PubMed.Gov. Greenhouse gas emissions from liquid dairy manure: Prediction and mitigation. Jul 18. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2… [iii] MarinCarbobProject.org. Compost. Accessed: Mar 29 2019. https://www.marincarbonproject.org/co… [iv] EPA.Gov. Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data. Accessed: Mar 29 2019. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/glob…